Tag Archives: performance

Track Stars “Deload Week”

Monday February 4th Track Stars Get their first Deload week!

Today I wanted to make sure they get the work in but didn’t put excessive strain on their CNS. The Central Nervous System is an amazing network of neurons and cells that drive and function in unison with the entire body. When we as humans demand intense efforts from our body we tend to drain it so to speak. The CNS is in charge of summation among other things and what this means is that when we contract our muscles we do so through different types of summation which create the all or nothing principle that allows us to contract our muscles. The all or nothing principle in a nutshell is any stimulus above the positive negative threshold within our muscles creates a contraction, now onto the workout.

Main lifts consisted of supersetting deadlifts, squats and calf raises. I know that this looks similar to workouts we have done but the difference with today’s workout and the others is this is not a maximum stress workout day. Taking the above into account I limited them to 78-83% of their 3RM’s. Their 3rms are technically 93% effort required from the CNS. Like the other workouts I kept the reps low but increased the sets however it normally takes them 3-4 sets to truly max out after their warm up sets. The rep schemes were 6×5 work sets on both main lifts with a 1×6 drop set at 55% of their max.  After monitoring their first work sets I lowered some of their initial weight ranges. The rest of the workout is posted below. I hope you enjoyed the workout. Thanks for following and I hope you continue to follow us on our road to States.


monday feb 4 deload w ot

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Track Stars “Making Huge Strides”

Monday January 28th  “Making Huge Strides”

Today, the main focus was on dead lifting. We started with a dynamic warm up along with a dot drill, I had them work up on back squat until they reached their 80-85% ranges and carry out a 4×5 rep scheme.That was coupled with standing dumbbell calf raises 4×15. I want them to get out as much possible from each and every workout without over doing it. Today we continued working in the three rep range. I really saw some huge advancements in strength today as I watched everyone out do their previous bests by 30-45 pounds. For example, and this is just ones who pr’d by the biggest amount. Previously he lifted 225×3 and today his work sets are as follows, 205, 225, 245, 260,270; all for 3 reps. His form was textbook, butt and hips were back, standing tall and with his weight back on his heels. He is not only the strongest out of the 4 guys but he is the fastest guy who can average sub 58sec a 400m for a 4x400m workout, his power to weight ratio is phenomenal.

Accessories. I try to change the accessory lifts. Main reason is for perturbation, I don’t like allowing the body to adapt and get into a groove, you have to constantly switch things up or your will not see the gains your looking for. As for now that concludes this workout. Thanks for reading and I hope you continue to follow us on our road to the State Championship.


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